Using external drive with xbox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by shere1, May 17, 2006.

  1. shere1

    shere1 Member

    Dec 10, 2005
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    Hi, is it possible that you can use a modded xbox that can be used to play modded gamed and conect an external hdd to it.

    I have an external drive and wondering if I can connect this to the xbox via usb? would this be viewable in filemanger?

  2. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    not sure i have seen anyone do that. Since my Xbox has no USB plug ins i have no idea how you could hook up an external HDD
  3. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Here's the can connect an external usb drive but it only works as a large memory need to format it XFAT...nobody has written hdd drivers for external drives down the usb.. Experiments are ongoing to see if it is possible to load XDSL from a usb flash drive. If that can be done then we will see if it's possible to load games the same way.. but I don't think, due to the xbox architecture, that it will be a reality in the forseeable future.. :(
  4. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    so, conclusion then:
    If you want games on a HDD then either do it the easy, but more expensive way and get a good modchip installed. Then replace the stock HDD with a nice 250GB one and format it with an auto installer disc. Then use the auto installer again to put all the apps, dashboards, emulators, roms and so on back onto the Xbox.

    With a softmod this process is a bit more involved but can still be done. I have a 300GB in mine and every game i have is on it. I only burn them to DVD as a back up copy
  5. backupguy

    backupguy Regular member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    how can you use a different hdd in a softmodded xbox if the stock hd is married to the motherboard? get another motherboard? i think not...
  6. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    It's actually really simple when you know how...Remember when you used the softmod exploit it forced you to make a backup of the Eeprom data ??..That's what you use to lock another drive to the motherboard..

    The procedure is this,. First you back up your existing xbox drive onto your pc.. Then you go and download xboxhdm and read all the instructions for making a new drive from scratch..

    You run the app and put all your C:\ and E:\ contents on the new drive, and finally you use the Eeprom data to lock the drive to the mobo..

    @ backupguy..I suggest you do some's not hard to find this info
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2006
  7. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    LOL, like that one

    Yeah i think it is called the "hotswap" method. Like i said it can be done it is just more complicated with a softmod then if you have a chip.
  8. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Hiya Steimy...If you have the eeprom files XBOX hdm can open the xbox drive can transfer the entire contents over onto the new larger drive (don't go larger than 250GB) and then lock the new one and put it in the xbox..Takes about 30 minutes.. There is very little risk involved as you have the data the drive is locked to..and your original drive as a fall back if something goes wrong..I have a heap of locked xbox drives from customers who have softmod drive upgrade boxes, in case they mess up I can put the drive back in while I cure whatever they have done to the other..Very safe, and if they move on, or get the hang of everything I burn an image of the drive on a dvd, give it to them with a copy of xboxhdm and recycle the drive for whatever use I can think of..

    Also with softmod first timers I don't give them anything dangerous like Unleash or avalaunch...And most certainly they don't get a copy of Config Magic!! I don't even put that killer on a chip job!!
  9. mav777777

    mav777777 Member

    May 21, 2006
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    It is possible to make a external hard drive using the usb ports on the from all you need is a controler adapter mod to allow the hook up of a usb device

    then you get a copy of XDSL that can run from your hard drive on the xbox its self

    boot up XDSL if you got a external hard rive chances are you have a windows 98 mini disc driver thing

    get a emulation for exe on to the xbox for linuux open it in linux put the mini disc i nto the xbox drive tray and then in the emulator

    type in the raw command /D:/setup the emulator will run the driver setup install it to C drive under folder USB BUG there your done

    this allwos you to run externel DVD burners in linux and external HDD in linux and normal xbox it will come up as the G drive for hDD in xbox file explorer

    and while in linux its a perfect way to make disc to disc copy of games to have 99.99 percent quality

    i will make a more indepth tut if peopel request it
  10. backupguy

    backupguy Regular member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    did anyone undertsnad wtf he just said....

    So why would people have a windows 98?
  11. backupguy

    backupguy Regular member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    is there anyway to run games off an external drive through ftp? If my laptop has the external drive connected, and is also connected to the xbox through LAN, is there anyway to see the files on my laptop and external hdd from the xbox and load a game stored on it? Its just i have the whole softmod thing done, and i have all the programs i need and i can connect to xbins, but i dont want to pay for a new big hdd for the xbox. The only other option is storing the games on the external hard drive and then ftping them across to my xbox when i want to play them. But my xbox hard drive can only store one at a time.
  12. methix

    methix Member

    Jun 27, 2006
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    No at this time you can not play games from any external device on xbox...and I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it either.

    FTPing games back and forth will be a huge pain. So just buy a bigger hdd. 80gig drives a fairly cheap and still hold a decent amount of stuff. Trust me its worth it.

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