Just curious, I am new to burning cds and dvds. If creating paper labels is bad, how about writing on the cd or dvd with permanent marker, especially on non-rewritable cds? I wouldn't use a marker on a rewritable one because I might erase and record over the original files, but if I were recording on a cd that is not rewritable writing on it at all wouldn't be a big issue, I wouldn't think.
Permanent marker pens are absolutely fine mate. I've had problems with stick-on labels myself, so now i only use a sharpie (fine pointed permanent marker). Good luck Dene
If you are writing onto a "RW" disc, just use a sharpie to give it a "serial number". Then reference that serial number on a piece of paper that will fit into the case or sleeve.
Thanks guys. Any other tips or tricks with downloading music and burning to CD-RW's? I would like to find a reliable site that I can legally download music, for a fee, and make my own unique CDs.
Labels aren't all that bad as long as you have an applicator and you're not doing it by hand. I use "Neato" labels and in over 600 DVD's and several Hundreds of my own music CD's I've had only 3 discs I've "Lost" because of labels and all of them were my fault. Never, ever go over 2 labels (2 labels I don't care for either to tell the truth) and when one gets "Stuck on wrong" clean EVERYTHING off with Alcohol before applying your replacement label. My 2 cents, Cheers all, Pete