using Net10 service on a cancelled Cingular contract phone

Discussion in 'Samsung discussion' started by pinkbeach, Sep 7, 2007.

  1. pinkbeach

    pinkbeach Member

    Sep 7, 2007
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    Hi! I had a Cingular contract with a Samsung SGH-c417. I had to cancel the contract and pay the cancellation fee. I really like this phone. I believe I've been able to unlock it because the phone says the locks are disabled. Is there a way to use this phone with the Net10 service? I've tried inserting a Net10 Sim and the message "Sim Crash" is shown.

    Any help you can give me will be much appreciated.

  2. audiovolt

    audiovolt Guest

    Ok from what I understand is the net10 service is locked at the sim card and software, in other words the software for the net10 is not supported on any other phone that is unlocked unless it has the net10 software on the phone. If im wrong, I would like to know because I have net10 which rocks btw, and I would like to use my unlocked razr

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