Hello, I have recently purchased a Samsung Data Link Cable Model#- PCB200BBE, it also came with software- Samsung Pc Studio 3. After updating that program and trying the cable, it will not recognize the phone AT ALL. My question is, does my phone need to be unlocked for it to sync with my computer. I bought a 512mb sd card because i want to transfer music,ringtones, wallpaper and such. Pleaseee if anyone can help me with this now useless cable i would appreciate it.
I am also having the same problem. I think you can still use cable with windows media player 10. Use the sync tab in media player
ok i finally got this to work from the link once you plug your phone in bitpim should reconize it if it doesn't then find your from from the menu at the top once it fonund follow the instructions from the link once you in the (mr) file drag and drop any ringtones you have save on your computer to the window area were the (mr) file is then you should see the song you just copies above the (mr) file, this my take some time if its working the green file transfer block at botton of left corner will be filling up. After all the songs are copyied over , right click(mr) file and reboot phone Then you want to right click (mr) file again and save as or save save it to desktop. After that double click on desktop icon for your (mr) file and it might ask you to open with a program select note pad. Once its open just scroll across to end of file were it will be /0/0 change all ends of files for each song to /0/3 then select the file menu and resave or overite the note pad. After that go back to bitpim and the (mr) file, right click and overight, select the changed file from your desk top and it will overight it in bitpim. Almost done , right click and reboot Phone, wala your done. Hope this helps all you neebies, it took me some time to figure it out from the link but this should clear anything up
my problem is getting my pc to even recognize the phone regardless, it does not do anything when i plug my phone in and connected to the usb. I am new to the data cable thing and really have no idea where to go from here.