Using the xbox 360's parts in a computer...?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by DrXthirst, May 27, 2006.

  1. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    I am getting a new computer and I was just looking at how to disassemble the xbox 360 and I was thinking about how good the graphics and the (3) processors are and I thought that would be really good for my computer. Also , I know that it is possible to add more drives to your computer (duh) and I was wondering if you could put an xboxes or xbox 360's dvd-drive or whatever they have in your computer so you could play xbox games on your computer !?

    Thanks for any help ,
  2. JudyChick

    JudyChick Member

    Feb 26, 2006
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    A high end gaming PC - self-built or by reputed builders such as Alienware, Falcon or DellXPS - will still be more powerful than the XBOX 360.
  3. sesko

    sesko Regular member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    i totally agree with judychick! and besides, the price of a xbox360, can i say more money then brains if your going to tear it apart like that? dont take this offensive by the way!
  4. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    no , actually we have no money at all , my mom and dad are divorced and my mom doesnt have a job and my dad is negative in his bank account...

    but , I am going to sell my laptop for 600 dollars and for Christmas I am going to get about 200 dollars and last year I got 700 dollars for my birthday , but I think I will get about 300 this year , so what suggestions would anyone give for a computer. If you add up the money , I will have about 1000 dollars and I'm not gonna buy a computer from a store because my Uncle can put together a computer for me , so I will buy all of the parts then he will put it together!
  5. sesko

    sesko Regular member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    sorry, i really didnt mean it in a bad way, just dont understand, for the price of xbox360, why would you! and like earlier posted, you get build a highend gaming system for pretty much the same price the xbox is, well, i live in canada, so there about 500 here!
  6. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    Ok a few things....Everything in the 360 is integrated the graphics,and the processor is like 400 mhz or something like that and it is made specifically for the 360 board..............And i am pretty sure the 360 HDD won't work in your Pc.....Trust me just save up to build your own
  7. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    okay , I will!
  8. serjo

    serjo Member

    May 29, 2006
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    i kno where u can get CPU parts REALLY CHEAP the site is:
  9. ChipMasta

    ChipMasta Regular member

    Jul 24, 2005
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    ya they best way to go its to build a pc from scratch, that way u can put what u want it and know everything about it. and this allows u to go with all top end stuff.

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