Hi guys, I am getting V1rg1n cable today and I am only on the standard package but would like to know how cheap/easy it is to get one of these modded boxes up and running? From what I have read, I understand that the boxes are sold as legal "Free to Air" devices and in order to get ALL channels you must put custom firmware on the box and also an emulator. However, I am somewhat confused about all the words and phrases being used around the guides/forums, so I am going to ask a few questions in order to clear things up. What is a "clone" box? Can clone boxes be flashed to view extra channels on VM? What exactly is "future proof"? If a box is not future proof, then does that mean it will suddenly stop working one day when V1rg1n change things on their end? Do ALL eurovox's, Dreambox, Starview etc have the ability to be flashed for receiving extra channels or is it just certain ones? What is the difference between the above types of boxes? Which one is better, if any? Finally, I have found a eurovox on google for only £50, I do not want to spend a fortune because I don't know what im doing yet, and knowing my luck V1rg1n will clamp down on all this a week after I buy the box. So my budget is low for now. What do you think of this box and can it be modded to receive the extra channels? Code: http://satandcable.com/content/eurovox-pvr-ex5000-pvr-fta-cable-receiver-box I am sorry for asking a lot of questions, and I hope someone has the time and petience to answer them. Thanks a lot in advance!
save your money, they will be all gone off in the coming weeks mate, look at the Nagra 3 were we stand for more info
ah they will find a way around it, they always do. My mate has had chipped cable since about 1991 lol there is always a way. But thanks for your advice, I agree, it seems its about to hit a brick wall for a while so its best to wait. But why are they still producing and selling these boxes if its all to be doomed soon? I think they must have a trick up their sleave if you ask me or they would start selling the boxes for like £10 each to get rid. Out of curiosity though what the heck is a clone? Cheers!
a clone is knock off of a orginal box, look the same, do the same, but with cheaper componants and inferior quality, they are not supported by the Genuine makers and when firmware releases are done, this is where the clone falls down as the firmware for a genuine box will either kill the clone or your left with a box which you cant update as there is no firmware. A lot of suppliers have been left with a lot of stock as they buy in advance, they buy in hundreds to get a better price, so they are trying to recoup their costs, I suppose like any company would But, Nagra 3 will knock off all boxs, genuine, clone, sub boxs that were chipped, its been out on Sat a number of years and no sign of it being cracked directly by firmware, there are ways around it such as CS on sat (dreambox etc) and now Cable (starview6) (currently in Ireland only) For me, save your few quid until something comes out for the UK market such as the SV6 and take a punt then or go the Dreambox and Sat route, there is a thread called Shy chans on dreambox, worth a read
Ok will wait a while and see what happens. I think now that the rest of the UK is going nagra3 there will be a lot more people trying to find a loophole. Its a shame I am getting cable just when it becomes unexploitable! Just my luck lol. Cheers
3 years and counting on that loophole, I wouldnt be holding my breath with a fix for this, I would be looking at the alternatives if you want to continue to get your chans