V*rg*n Advert RE:- i**egal box's ... and L*ve Ev*nts Ch

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by E_V_L, Nov 30, 2008.

  1. E_V_L

    E_V_L Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    ok today i noticed two things ...

    one was an ad on the PPV ch which said "you are using an i**egal box"...

    later on there was an ad on that went on about anybody usin em was in for it and that anyone with info shud call up and grass...

    am I the only person thats seen these .... ?

    just wondered if this is all just scaremongering tactics or if there is in fact any way that they might find out ?

    i only ask because the PPV ch clearly states that the box i'm using is i**egal (duh)

    i'm wondering if this is a standard on ALL box's or if they can actually trace the addy the s*gnal is being sent to ?
  2. HiTeck

    HiTeck Regular member

    Apr 12, 2008
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    You said it, nothing to be worried about.
  3. moeiom

    moeiom Member

    Oct 28, 2007
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    you should expect richard branson to arrive in his helicoptor outside your door step soon!!! If i were you id throw that box from the highest point of your house asap
  4. Airz

    Airz Guest

    LOL - classic case of not reading other threads before posting !!!

    Its simple - the boxes pick up the odd channel that is deliberately excluded from the channel lists on the original VM boxes etc.
  5. E_V_L

    E_V_L Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    i have been reading the rest of the forums, just obv missed a part lol...

    i figured that there was some kinda talkbak facility in a leg*t box which obviously wasn't in mines...

    that way .. when you go on the PPV ch you get either what a genuine article wud see or if there was no return signal then you get the default warning signal...

    izzit summin along those lines then aye ??

    sorry to be such a n00b, but hey @ least i didn't go shouting about "oh my gawd plese sumone gimme the codes"

    *it's not exactly rocket science is it :S*

    (wish i could programme though .... you guys that make all the firmware n stuff ... GODS !!)
  6. DesB

    DesB Regular member

    May 27, 2007
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    He is on his way LOL

  7. E_V_L

    E_V_L Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    literally LOL .... CLASSIC :D
  8. moeiom

    moeiom Member

    Oct 28, 2007
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    This is a better one! LOL
  9. E_V_L

    E_V_L Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    what about my quick photieshop :p

  10. Pasanonic

    Pasanonic Regular member

    Apr 9, 2008
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    Why's that then? What does he have to do with anything?
  11. E_V_L

    E_V_L Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    i think the guys were attempting sarcasm of the highest order.... it was aimed at me and i found it amusing ... just thought i'd join in the hijinks while waiting on a fix :)

    sorry if it offended you in any way dude... i did appreciate your previous posts, you obviously know your stuff!.

    since you did however look into this post any chance of answering my question regarding the default warning screens etc ??
  12. Pasanonic

    Pasanonic Regular member

    Apr 9, 2008
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    It just winds me up that people think that Richard Branson and the Virgin group of companies are anything to do with Virginmedia apart from the fact they sold their mobile phone company to them ( giving NTL the right to rename themselves Virginmedia. )
    The company running the UK cable network are still NTL albeit they describe themselves as 'New NTL' since the Telewest merger.
    Branson does have some shares in Virginmedia but that's only because NTL did not have a pot to piss in when they bought virgin mobile and paid him in stock.

    as for the warning screen it's been there a couple of months. It is simply transmitted. The only people who could possibly see it are people using unauthorised equipment as the VBox is not programmed to receive that transmission.

    It's a scare tactic. VM are 6.25 Billion pounds in debt right now and 1.25Bn of that is due to be repaid by 2014. There is every likelehood that they will be out of business at that point if they do not increase revenue income. They are losing millions in revenue for these boxes and are now publicly taking a stand ( before they were quiet hoping not to make more people aware of the boxes, there are too many in use now ) and aim to get the sale of them made illegal ( the use is already illegal under civil law due to the contract you sign with them ).
    You will also notice, on Virgin channels that they will be showing s TV advert talking about the boxes and urging anyone who knows someone using them to telephone a hotline.
  13. ivorbigun

    ivorbigun Regular member

    Dec 15, 2007
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    but on the other hand doesn't the prospect of recieving pay tv channels for free make more people want to scrap sky and go for cable? cuz tbh if boxes like eurovox etc didn't exist then i would not be with cable right now.
  14. E_V_L

    E_V_L Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    @ panasonic....

    cheers for that dude... i figured that that was the likelyhood of things ...

    half the folk i know use these things, but saying that they usually buy the old dodgy chi**ed box's etc etc ... then pay sum1 to sort em out for em when they go tits up...

    thats why i opted for the PVR when i seen it. i thought hell... i could probably do that myself with that thing and lo and behold...

    i'm sure if they do go up the skite some other company will take over and we'll have another provider instead of v*rg*n so it's all good..

    you did however totally take the wind outta my photoshop's sails :(


  15. Pasanonic

    Pasanonic Regular member

    Apr 9, 2008
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    No. The same as software manufacturers such as Microsoft and Adobe treat the issue that 80% or so of people using their software illegally would never have purchased it you are simply the collateral damage and not lost revenue. You are a sale that never was.

    The simple fact is that the majority of UK cable users who now have a CAM enabled digibox did at one time have a much higher service package and paid much more in fees ( some of is like myself still continue to pay for the full XL package on TV,BB and phone, but then I'm of the opinion that if you can pay for something that you want then you should. If you can't pay for something then you have to be very sure that it is something you need to make your life better or you really are no better than a common purse snatcher or burglar.
    Case in point. My new copy of Adobe CS4 Master suite cost me £934.12 and that was only as an upgrade price to the £724 I paid last year as an upgrade and so on. I pay this because I need the software and I generate income from it's use. I know a young lad who is a fantastic illustrator but is a student who can't afford even the student price for this software. I have given a copy to him because he has the potential to be a good earner who will more tan line the pockets of Adobe in the future because he is using their products today.
    That's just my moral stand on when you can justify not paying for things. )

    To be honest with you if I thought that grassing up everyone I know using these boxes and paying nothing to VM would generate more income for GM and guarantee the safety of my soon to be 50MB cable line ( and later 100mbit ) then I'd do it tomorrow, because I need those services at the reasonable prices VM charges. These boxes are going a long way to putting this company under. But the point is moot, because most people are as you say, not going to pay for anything brcause that's just not human nature.

    as for yourself, without the Eurovox you would not be with cable? maybe, but I doubt you would be with sky either. ( certainly not paying for what you receive now ) because some people just want free shit.

  16. Pasanonic

    Pasanonic Regular member

    Apr 9, 2008
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    I doubt anything other than a government bailout would work. If one would be offered is a different matter. NTL were seeking a buyer for years and only stayed afloat recently because of debt restructure. The debt is far too much for any private company other than Sky to take on and they'd not be allowed to by the monopolies commision.

    Your photoshop is quite good. I'm not knocking that at all.

    I'm a digital artist btw.


    click for massive.
  17. E_V_L

    E_V_L Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    lol i was joking about the ps thing ... that was a five min messabout rather than just hotlinking a random google image lol..

    that animal is BADASS by the way...

    i take it that was yirself that did it yeah ??

    *also can you not claim your copy of photoshop out of your yearly tax return since it's essential working equipment? - just outta curiosity*

    also ... i have summin i might want designed, pm me if your interested and we'll talk !
  18. Pasanonic

    Pasanonic Regular member

    Apr 9, 2008
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    I've been in business a lot of years doing various things. Everything I purchase including my lunch gets put down for tax deduction. It's up to my accountant ( wife ) to see that it does not get thrown back at me ;)

    Yes that's my animal

    I do many different types of stuff but it's mainly hobby work. My business is in construction and I use graphic software for design.

    Ok I'm Way off topic now but yeah drop me a line, if there is something I can do for you graphically I will. Time permitting.

    Anyway, that's enough shameless self promotion. I've finished my nightcap and I have a stinking cold so I'm off to bed.

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