V220 Unlock problems - Slow death

Discussion in 'Motorola phones' started by sworton, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. sworton

    sworton Member

    Dec 19, 2005
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    I cannot get my V220 to connect to the Multiflash in flash mode. It just won't recognize it. It does recognize it when i Have the battery charging and plugged in.

    When I enter flash mode on the phone (with the power cord connected and without) I get a message on the phone
    OK to program
    Connect USB Cable.

    However, it just won't connect, again only in flash mode with the version 1.8 multiflash flex.

    I'm running the P2K98 driver with Windows 98.

    I've got a v220, Mutliflash flex from PST 6.7 and all the necessary unlocker and flash files to unlock my phone which I will gladly share.

    Can someone share a way to end my slow death in a more positive way.
  2. b0ba

    b0ba Guest

    First of all: USE ONLY NT-like system e.g. NT4,2k,XP..
    Enter flash mode on the phone. Connect phone to PC. Your window$ should recognize your phone and ask for the driver. Give it a driver and confirm that you will use good driver and not a m$ signed crap.

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