I've been having a problem with my printable discs vanishing into my DVD player. (I'm using TY's and some Verbs) My guess is that the surface is sticking to the part that spins the disc in the player. When I open the tray to remove the DVD it ends up getting caught inside. It's happened with both my players. I have a JVC 7-Disc XV-FA90(?)carousel and a Philips DVP642. Anyone else have this problem? How can I solve it? I'm wondering if using the Patricia Nimock's sealer might help. Please help me!! Thanks
Are you using the stick-on labels, or actual "printable" discs? If you're using the stick-on ones, almost everyone is going to advise you to stop using them. Sure, they look nice, but they give you nothing but problems, such as your case. They're just not secure enough to stay on the disc when it's spinning and gets warm. They can also give you playback issues because of balance problems, as well as an assortment of other things. My advise; start using a Sharpie.
I usually let them dry a day or so before using. Sometimes I don't watch them for weeks after printing.
I never had a problem with any of my players, as you discribed! I have burned over 1400 disks and most of them are the Taiyo Yuden inkjet hub printables! I have the Epson R320 and get great results and I watch them right away without any problems. I print on them wait about 10mins and the burn them! After burning I sometimes watch them right away, without any problems what-so-ever! I have no clue about what's going on with your players and I never ever heard anyone say they have a problem with the Taiyo Yuden inkjet printables! EVER...... DocTY where are you!!!!!????
hmm,i have never experienced this also, when you take the disks out,are they tacky? some sort of sealer might do the job
They haven't been feeling tacky when I remove them. I bought some Patricia Nimock's. Haven't used it yet. I can't in the house and it's been near 90 and humid here in Michigan. I'm wondering if the humidity might be the reason they're getting stuck in the player as I've described. I'll try the sealer as soon as I can and see if it helps. Meanwhile, I'd appreciate any other replies. Thanks.