If you follow the guide at http://www.afterdawn.com/articles/archive/dvd2vcd_with_smart_dvd2avi_tmpgenc.cfm, is it then possible to add a subtitle to a movie? (without having to use "DVD2SVCD") Thanks in advance! Anders
Thanks Dela! But there was a problem... Well, I used the guide mentioned above and followed the steps exactly as it was described. I made a VCD out of the CUE-file for testing and it can be played (in ASUSdvd). BUT, it was kind of strange. The sound is perfect but the video is so slow. It's like watching a slide show! Does anybody know what can be wrong! Thanks for help!
Thanks Dela! But there was a problem... Well, I used the guide mentioned above and followed the steps exactly as it was described. I made a VCD out of the CUE-file for testing and it can be played (in ASUSdvd). BUT, it was kind of strange. The sound is perfect but the video is so slow. It's like watching a slide show! Does anybody know what can be wrong! Thanks for help!
>Did you try opening it in WinDVD?? Sorry, I don't have that program (maybe download it later). I've also tried Windows MediaPlayer, but it could not play it... WMP and ASUSdvd, as I normally use, have been able to play VCDs that I made with DUP-DVD (which is a buggy program, can't handle multi-chapter so you only get 40 min of a movie.) Nevermind, it's hard to see what could be wrong... If it depends on the player itself or the type of the VCD....?
Ok, now I understand the problem but I can't solve it. The thing is: I ripped and encoded the DVD as mentioned above (from the guide). When I searched through the bunch of files that was created I found three MPEG-files: bbMPEG_muxed_file00, bbMPEG_muxed_file01 and bbMPEG_muxed_file02. I opened the MPEG-files and watched them. file01 and file02: normal video but no sound. file00: Has very good sound, but the video is slow. As I scrolled through the video I realised that the whole sound file for the movie was put on file00, so the reason why the movie in this file is so slow is probably that it is stretched out to be of the same length as the wav-file. So it plays slowly... So, the problem is: The wav-file that is created is put on the first of the three MPEG-files. Question: How do I do to get the sound-file splitted during the process and put on each of the MPEGs? Or... How do I make just ONE MPEG so the wav-file is put on that and makes sound to the whole movie? What to do? What settings could be changed? Thanks in advance!
Yes. But, what settings tells if the MPEG-file should be splitted or not? so I can doublecheck that if I've missed it. (Are there some settings that should be made in the other programs too, like TMPGEnc or DVD2AVI...?)