First I want to thank all who helped about double layer burning. Using nero and working fine. I would like help in the best way to convert some of my vcr tapes from my camcorder to double layer dvd's. I tried using nero capture and results are poor. Not even close to the orig. vcr picture. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me. frankie
Hate to say it, but the easiest way I found to get all of my old tapes from VHS to DVD was to get a combo DVD recorder/VCR... Popped a tape and a blank DVD in the machine and set it to "auto-dub" from the tape to the disc... Worked great and minimal effort needed.
Thanks i was told that before. I only have 18 tapes to make so buying one is nt the best fo rme at this time. I am trying a link fro mthis site with a guide and free software and it looks like it is going to work just fine. Again thanks, Frankie