This is my first here, so excuse my "n00bness", I have searched over 10 forums to find a soloution to this, but havent been successful.. When I go to encode some avi files (mostly joined ones) I Add the job and start it, and then after it has finished demuxing the audio to AC3, I get the this very frustrating error: [bold]"Access violation at address 77F83AED in module "ntdlld.dll" Write of address BO12EIB9.."[/bold] Now I have tried all different settings and still nothing, this screws up the encoding and it stops. This does not happen with all of my avi's I get mainly the ones that are split in 2, and yes I have renamed them video cd1 and 2 etc... I have even tried downloading that dll file and still no go... ANY help appreciated.. Thanks heaps Chris.