HI. i am new to this burning thing and i would like some help. I Have a hp dvd740e external burner with lightscribe and the software i use is nero express3. I Have a big problem tho. When i would burn a dvd it would set it to the max speed and when it is indicated that it will take 3 HOURS to complete burning the dvd. PLZ TELL ME WHAT I AM DOING WRONG HERE. AM I USING THE WRONG SOFTWARE? DO I HAVE A SETTING WRONG? HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED.
knock off the caps as referred to as shouting. is the drive usb2 & does the computer have usb2? what is your system specs including free ram & free hd space?
your drives are probably in PIO mode where they need to be in DMA mode you can fix that in device manager or use this guide and NO caps please http://bbmayo.home.comcast.net/FAQ.htm
well i just noticed that it says transcoding when i click burn. I dont think it's my burner. But is there anythin i can do to make this 'Transcoding' process faster?
as i said first make sure your drives are in DMA mode what CPU and how much memorey/ram is your system? try better software clonedvd 2 with anydvd would be your best choice dont run other programs while transcoding and burning either to free up resources
I have a hp. My burner is external. I have 512 ram and 55gb of space of which 48gb is free. I also have an external hardrive(SEA GATE) of which has 80gb of space...50gb is free. And 2.4 gh processor
well just asking...how long does it take any of you to transcode a dvd and what programs do u use? and also..about how many dvd's can ur computer burn in a day(including the transcoding and burning process).
First off, I always have AnyDVD running ... ICOPYDVDs2 takes about 30 minutes CloneDVD takes about 35-40 minutes Nero takes about 40-45 minutes (with two passes) DVD Decrypter/DVD Shrink/ImgBurn about 50 minutes with Shrink doing a deep analysis and the high quality adaptive compensation box checked and set to maximum sharpness ... These times are for a 8GB source disc and burned to a 4.38GB disc at maximum speed As far as how many DVDs can be recorded in a single day ... WOW! There's lots of variables involved here ... I usually don't do lots of different discs ... I have created discs and burned the image to over 50 discs in a day on many occasions ...
nardy, i use clonedvd 2 with anydvd and it takes me 11 to 12 mins. on shorter movies and 20 to 25 mins. on longer movies so about 3 an hour X 10 hours would be 30 or 20 hours would be 60
ok thanks. But i noticed that clone dvd 2 cant transcode movie file(like .avi) to dvd files..or can it? I need a fast program that can transcode .avi files to dvd files so i can burn them.