I am having trouble playing/viewing my backup movies, let me explain. I am able to successfully Backup with Nero (no error messages), but when I go to play them on my dvd player...it seems the last few scenes freeze or become choppy. I have tried playing them on 2 different dvd players and tried 2 backing up different movies. Same Problem. Anyone have any ideas?
If when you say using nero you are meaning recode which I am thinking. When doing the backup look down at the bottom right. You will see fit to target. It will most likely have dvd 5 selected. Click the down arrow and select custome then a window will pop up where you can type in mb for it to fit to. I reccomend 4400 to start with if that does the same try 4350 or something. Those last chapters jitters and freezes usely mean burning to close to the outer edge. This will varry from brand to brand and could varry from disk to disk. So best to find a setting that seems to work good when using cheeper media and keep the setting.
Okay, I attempted to burn at the setting of 4300mb and still having the same problem. Question, what is the lowest possible setting I can have it set at? Is it true if I set it to a low setting it could possibly compress it so much it would make the movie run slow (if that makes sense)?
You can compress to whatever size you would like. I dont think its got to do with going to close to the edge of the media now with you going down to 4300. That should leave plenty to compensate for any blimishes at time the disks where cut. More compresion wouldnt efect the play speed. It would efect the video quality though. If you are stil useing the Skc Co media, that is looking more and more likely to be the problem. Both of your players dont seem to like them. Many of us here at ad dont like them as well. The few that I used before that where labeled datawrite will only play right in 1 of my 6 players.