I am using a nVidia xtasy everything 5564 capture card with the personal cinema device between the VCR and PC. I am attempting to copy some music VHS tapes. They copy fine but during playback they have a white rectangle that goes across the middle of the screen. I assume they must be write protected. How do i get around the write protection or am I doing something wrong?
This is a Very common Problem with that Particular Card as Many Poeple have Posted the exact same Problem here Many Many times But I do not Know if anyone has ever found a Solution...(Besides useing a Different Capture device) Maybe Try Updateing your Drivers and also Do a Search of the Forum for others with the same problem and maybe you will find a solution.... Good Luck
Minion, I got the macrovision problem solved by rolling back the WDM driver for personal cinema. The problem now is with the audio. The video and audio are not in sync. Could you offer this newbie some suggestions. Thanks
First of Greetings go out to Minion ! long time since I've posted on this boards ! hope you are keeping well. __________________________________________________________________ Macrovision Protection from VHS can be overcome by using a full frame TBC (Time Base Corrector). By rolling back the WDM may have solved the problem however I doubt that it was a Macrovision problem in the first place! (I may be wrong, but WDM has nothing to do with MacroVision) On The issue of Audio Video sync, it is likely that you are dropping frames hence the audio and video sync issues, again a TBC should help this, failing that you could read up on one of my Tutorials on audio sync fixing. Please find this in the User posted tutorials section, entitled "Fixing Audio Sync Everytime" Simply uncompess the audio and place in an NLE and slide to fit, and chop out sections that are "uneven" Hope some of that Helps Anhar Hussain Miah