I've checked a lot of posts about transferring VHS to DVD, and about all of them involve a pc. My question is: what is the least expensive thing I can get, to take care of Macrovision between my VCR and DVD recorder. I've seen the Clarifier thing that facetvideo.com sells, but is there anything else?
Well Yes there are other Devices for Removeing the Copy protections on VHS tapes Like the "DVD Red Pro" and the "Sima CT-2" but the Clarifier is Probably on the of the best.... You can also get a Plain old Video Stabilizer which I what I used to use for Recording VHS to VHS Back on the Good Old Days..... This is the Exact same one I used to use for VHS tapes: http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=294&item=5791532791&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW It is also a Lot Cheaper than the others.... Cheers