Hey Folks -- I've not seen any "walkthrough" on this subject. I'd like to export Analog (tape) from a Cam-Corder into PC then onto DVD WITHOUT PURCHASING ONE OF THEM BOXES. Most likely I will have to buy an adapter, but uncertain what kind. I'll be happy with links I can research to get grip on it. I'm up to date on DVD->DVD, AVI-DVD, all of that do in my sleep. Need both hardware and S/W input, please. Assume I'm working with an elderly generic Cam, that has the 3 pigtail (like standard VCR) outputs. Need to get signal into PC, and suggestion for best format to import for editting, and S/W to work with it. I'm experienced Still and Video photographer, if something's over my head, I'll let ya know ;-) Thanks in Advance SlowRide
Sorry to have to "add" The objective is the final result is on a standard 4.7 DVD suitable for play in any "off the shelf" DVD player, in DVD format. Have a both a Samsung and LG writer, no need for fancy stuff just reliably vanilla result most certain to play on any US based DVD (but would like input from Europeans, as I have family overseas and would like to send what works in CH/DE etc) THANK YOU Slowride