my video card isnt working for some reason. When i ran a test on it it says that the direct 3D functionality not available. Please help
You have to add more than "My car won't start." "Why?" The video card must work, if you can see that message.
What kind of video card is it? if it's an ati video card, those cards have drivers that are not always the best. Sometimes you need to downgrade the drivers to get one that works well. You can also try to update the motherboard drivers etc. More than likely it's a driver problem, either video card or motherboard.
The HD3000 series from ATI will often fail Direct3D tests if you have played an older game, restartin the PC fixes this. If it always happens, you may simply have a bugged driver, update to a newer version.
i think the problem is my video card is not agreeing with my motherboard. this problem happened when my dad tried to change the size of the text or something. i play new games like on