A few months ago i got on here and asked a few questions about a video card and power supply unit. I was just about ready to order when i found that the video card i had my eye on was out of stock. I quickly picked out a card with similar attributes and just need to know something. Will the power supply i was going to buy with the other card work with the new card i just picked out? VIDEO CARD http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102730 POWER SUPPLY http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371009 And just to be sure again, installing a new video card and power supply isnt very hard right? I just want to know what im getting into.
that psu is overkill for that card. this one will be more than enough http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139003
Thanks for letting me know that man. This power supply is a lot cheaper too. Thanks again. I take it you installed a fan before? Is it relativity easy?
I really do not know about computer parts at all. I was guessing i needed to upgrade to a new fan to run my new video card that i'm getting.
I do not understand. If i get this video card and put it onto my computer, wont the fan be the wrong outage\wattage and short out my motherboard?
Well when i came on here a few months ago nobody told me i didn't need a fan... Someone on here told me that. I cant remember his/her username though. Are you really sure i dont need to update my fan?
you could get a fan for your video card, but its not necessary, only if you really want cool temps and want to OC it. also, why would you get a 3850? i would HIGHLY recommend you get a 4850. it is definitely worth the few extra dollars.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102770 That one? I dont know crap about video cards. All i want to do is play san andreas, the sims 2 and garrys mod at full settings without any lag. This will help me right? The video card will work on my HP Vista right?