Video Compression Idea- UHARC & MKV

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by JohnPhoen, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. JohnPhoen

    JohnPhoen Guest


    I was wondering if anyone has ever tried to use UHARC or WinUharc to compress video?; either am MKV or AVI?

    You see, I have seen a lot of downloads that are mostly games super compressed with UHARC or WinUHARC. I have things I downloaded that are 2 or 3 gigs compressed down to just 200 MB, and if you use WinUHARC for this, you can even make a self extracting file.

    I suggest using an MKV format because AVI's don't compress much more than they already are once they are in AVI format. (I'm speaking as a user here, not a programmer or video expert)( I don't know how much an MKV compresses) And i suggest using MKV because it is ONLY a container, not a compression tool. It would be like building UHARC compression tech into an AVI file.

    But I'm guessing you could use the MKV container format to backup say a 4 gig DVD, and then use the UHARC or WinUHARC format to make it super small.

    All you would have to do then is ( just two steps before playing the video, most avi's are zipped in a zip or rar format anyway so no biggie)

    1.) Uncompress the file using the self extracting UHARC

    2.) Then play the DVD using a player that supports the MKV container format.

    Simple, this way instead of having a 700 or 800 mb AVI file to download, you can download a file size that is MUCH smaller. MKV As I understand it) will support mp4 and other high quality codecs so you could potentially have lets say a 4 gig DVD supercompressed to perhaps only 100 MB's with very little loss of HD quality once you extract the file.

    Now I don't yet know if it is even possible to go this, but I think it might be. Something in my head says

    "Dont Post This! figure it out for yourself, get it to work, write your own software package that uses the two tech's an does the process automatically and present it to the world once you have the patient and make tons of cash"

    Well, if it works, thank me later. Getting rich is way overrated anyway.

    If this works, this would be the Holy Grail of how we now send and receive video over the net.

    Please tech savy people, think this over and tell me: Will it work?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2009
  2. chubbyInc

    chubbyInc Regular member

    Apr 27, 2005
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    I've seen m-HD files out there that are super compressed high quality .mkv files. They are only 500MB for 40-50 minute show compared to 1 or 2 GB for the other version.

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