Video playback from xbmc via PC is jerky

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by jbloggs, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. jbloggs

    jbloggs Member

    Sep 5, 2007
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    I have finally managed to map shared PC drive/folders in XBMC and was able to play DVD/Xvid files on PC via XBMC, but now, all video playback is jerky, that is, I see 2 -5 seconds of video, then video freezes for 1 - 2 secods and this freezing repeats.

    First I thought it could be due to something on PC taking up CPU but that was not it. I also connected the xbox via wireless and hardwired but that did not help.

    Any help with this will be apprciated.
  2. corn

    corn Guest

    What version of XBMP are you using? You might want to consider updating.
    Search "Tech XBMC"(no quotes) on google for T3CH's downloads.

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