i've been converting videos to my ipod with videora and xsilisoft softwere, and each time i try to see the videos i inserted, th video stops after about a minute, dosent move for a couple a seaconds and then continues without a sound.... if some one can help me fix this please help me.... p.s, it heppens only in long movies (above 60 minutes...) thanx
Hi there amirmizi, welcome to the quiet, and peaceful part of the forums ;-) Which version of the iPod firmware are you running? If you are running version 1.1, then I suggest you downgrade to the previous version (1.0), as the 1.1 firmware has been causing a lot of problems with videos transcoded using third party applications. - Biz
iPod_luva - it doesn't happen with [bold]everyone[/bold], but it is a common problem. Which versions of the iPod updater do you have installed on your computer?
Ok, that is version 1.1.. You will need to downgrade to version 1.0 firmware, instructions here.. http://www.ipodhacks.com/forums/showthread.php?t=813 ;-)