Virgin to switch to nagra 3?

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by ahmyerda, Dec 8, 2008.

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  1. ahmyerda

    ahmyerda Member

    Dec 1, 2008
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    Here's a post i found on one of my football forums. I don't know the original source so it could be nonsense! Mind you it doesnt really affect me anymore since my starview 1 looks like it has been rendered obsolete...

    Anyway here it is:

    Its dated 2 Dec 2008 and is entitled: any Truth in this? VM to go to Nagra 3

    I have just read this on another site,how true it is,your guess is as good as mine,but here goes

    The information in this message is not hearsay, speculation, or rumour, but comes direct from the heart of Virgin Media technical operations at Hook, passed on by a contact who is informed, reliable and will remain strictly confidential (his/her job depends on it)

    This week we have all experienced a sudden change in the way Virgin encrypts its premium channels. This post explains some facts and what's to come very very soon. It probably won't cheer you up. Sorry :-(

    Remember when Virgin pulled Sky channels off their feed? That was a tough choice for Virgin. It hurt Virgin and it hurt Sky. The reduced ability to convert Sky customers over to Virgin and loss of advertising audience meant that both companies wanted to renegotiate terms. Ulimately Virgin wanted to get Sky channels back for the Christmas period but this was not straight forward because Sky was concerned about the high number of non-paying customers able to view Sky channels via the Virgin network. To be fair Virgin have also been concerned, but Sky forced them via the Terms and Conditions of supply to implement a comprehensive encryption system to lock out all non-paying customers before Christmas.

    Hence many months ago was born 'Project Santa'!! An internal Virgin project to provide to its customers Sky channels with enhanced encryption before Christmas. The project has several important phases. Firstly there is new advertising, which you may have seen, warning customers about the illegality of certain pieces of equipment. Then there is direct mail warning some customers directly to disconnect equipment and coupled with telephone hotline to report offenders.

    The next phase was to get Sky back on the feed. This was turned on in November successfully and has put Virgin in a much better position to recruit new customers in readiness for their Christmas programming. The final phase is to address encryption and security. This is more complicated because they want to secure the network but with little or no impact on paying customers. What you have all witnessed in the last week is the first step of the program with an interim Nagravision software upgrade which will soon move the whole Virgin tv network over to Nagravision version 3. Enabling rolling daily code changes is merely an early side effect of this implementation. Virgin knew that it would be circumvented quickly, but it was designed to de-stabalise the illicit set-top-box market before Christmas and wipe out a proportion of the existing usage for non-paying customers who do not have the expertise to remedy.

    What you have not seen yet is the final step and cutover to full Nagravision V3 encoding. This requires all paying customers to be issued with a new card for their set-top-box and in some cases a firmware upgrade. This is no small operation. New cards are already in manufacture and a special Royal Mail contract for guaranteed delivery before Christmas has been signed. The recent software change has enabled very limited testing of N3 to be started in about 1000 individually selected customer endpoints. So an exact date for cutover is not decided as yet and will be determined by the recarding and testing work in progress. The deadline should be before Christmas. Although contingency is in place in the event of unforseen problems.

    The bottom line is that N3 will go onto the Virgin TV network very soon and this will render all non-paying cutomers set-top-boxes useless for probably quite a long while. N3 is currently in use in several european tv networks and has not been circumvented to date. Whilst nothing is unbreakable, it will be measured in months rather than weeks and may require bespoke hardware rather than just a software fix.

    I have every expectation that this post will be heavily flamed and rubbished. But have in mind, many of the readers / posters here make a living from selling set-top-boxes and they are hoping for a busy December as people ready themselves for a rich Christmas programming selection on cable tv. The last thing they want is for potential customers to hear what Virgin have planned for what will become a very expensive freeview box. Utimately time will tell.

    More disinformation from the Ministry of Propaganda methinks?
  2. phaldred

    phaldred Member

    Nov 27, 2008
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    thats already been posted before! i think its more end of the world rumours!!
  3. ahmyerda

    ahmyerda Member

    Dec 1, 2008
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    How long ago was it posted mate? If it was a wee while ago then id imagine its probably rubbish. If these plans were in place for a while then we'd have heard more about it.

    Also id imagine that if virgin were ready to zap all the dodgy boxes out there, they wouldnt have spent money on advertising warning against piracy.
  4. pac2000

    pac2000 Member

    Aug 5, 2005
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    The Processing Power Required To Run The Nagra 3 System Alone (That's Without The Fancy GUI With Multitasking For The Remote Control, Digital TV Rendering And On Screen Display) Is At Least 800Mhz... The Virgin Boxes Correct Me If I'm Wrong, Are Slow As Hell... And No Matter How Good A Programmer You Are, You Couldn't Program A Set top Box To Achieve Nagra 3 Decryption And Do Everything Else, Without A Serious Hardware Upgrade... I Don't Know About The New HD V+ Boxes... Although They Have The Processing Power To Do It, They Couldn't Do Nagra 3 Decryption And HD Rendering At The Same Time... This Is Rumour Mongering... And A Bit Of Sofware And A Card Cannot Achieve The Nagra 3 Encryption System Alone... Plus The Role Out Of New Hardware Would Cost Huge Sums Of Money...

    This Is From Wiki:-
    "Three versions of Nagravision are in common use for digital satellite television, known as Nagravision, Nagravision Cardmagedon, and Nagravision Aladin. Nagravision Cardmagedon and Aladin are often confused with each other. Nagravision Cardmagedon is however, a complicated combination of Nagravision Aladin and Mediaguard SECA 2 encryption."

    Nagra 3 Is Nagravision Cardmagedon...
  5. malci

    malci Guest

    It has been posted before, but it not to long ago actually a few days, and it is anyones guess as to whether it is fact or rumour, but we do have doom merchant messages coming out all the time, from someone that knows someone who has a friend that works for VM etc. and so on. As to the Nagra 3 question PANASONIC gave a very good descriptive reply, well worth a read. >>>>>>>>>>

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