Hy! I'm trying to split some AVI files with Virtual Dub, and I want to split it by frame NOT by key frame. Anyway, is that possible to do with Virtual Dub or I need some other tool? Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can split by frame but it's not recommended. You should always split by key-frames wherever possible.
Can you tell me how to split file by frame because I could't menage to do so ? I selected the part of file by frame and split it but VirtualDub allways split it it by key frame so I get an extra few seconds that I don't want it. I'm trying to rid of that part of file;I don't need it. And why I should always split by key-frames wherever possible ? What can go wrong by spliting file by frame ? Should I use some other tool to rid of some unwaned parts of AVI files ?
Actually im not too sure about splitting by frames using virtualdub, sorry. However it is important when splitting to do it by keyframes, otherwise the file will be missing certain information and you will have errors/glitches. A very quick and simple frame splitter is this one: http://www.boilsoft.com/videosplitter/