Hi everyone, when do you think that the Visiontek 4870 X2 will drop in price? The lowest I've found so far is $580 Is there a price drop expected to happen within a month? I have all my parts and I'm ready to build my PC but I'm just waiting for a graphics card. Thanks, Epilogue
right now it is at $560 on newegg. dont expect any big price drops anytime soon. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814129114
Argh newegg I live in canada, so it's about the same price When can we expect a price drop, if not soon?
It will probably be quite a while - the HD4870X2 is priced pretty fairly, it is the most powerful graphics card out there today. It will only drop in price by any significant figure when something beats it, and when that happens, you'll want the card that beat it, won't you? If you want the top graphics card in existance, you have to expect to pay top money, I'm afraid. Realistically, you should buy a single HD4870 - unless you game at 2560x1600, it's perfectly suitable. It can max every game I play at 1920x1200, Crysis included.