Vista - sufficient access rights ? i am the admin on my pc, im the only account on my vista ultimate 32 bit , i installed a new game fm 2008, i try to run it and it telle me idont have sufficent access rights, (i am the admin). i cant see why i have tried run as administator. and many other options, its the only thing i cant access, can anyone help , thanks regards seat183
I know is a bit annoying to try to run programs on vista and have to run them as administrator, but this is a feature to ultimately protect you from getting infected with viruses, if you don't want to get any warnings like that, you can turn off user account control off, it will not make any difference if is on or off, you just wont be warn when you trying to make changes to your system or running a program that has not been design for vista. Good Luck, im using vista home premium, i tryed ultimate but found is to bloated and don't need all the features offer by ultimate, home premium work just as well.
Cheers , thanks for the reply, i still cant access my game, i have full control of pc apart from this i have paid quite a lot so i cant go to another version. There must be some kind of fix for this sufficient Rights problem? any other help Regards seat183
let me ask you this, are you running this from a cd or did you install it on your computer? it does sound like your computer thinks your not an administrator, try creating another user account and make it a full access account, not limited and try running the game on that other account. good luck.
Go to Google and type in "how to get full administrative rights in vista" this should solve the problem
Hi there, thanks for your quick reply's and help. Still having a problem. Because the path to exe to load the game is fm.exe . i have tried changing and still no joy. Could i change the path so windows thinks its sothing else and i can run it, thanks seat183