wich one is the best, because WMP sucks and I want to uninstall it I normally watch DVDs, Mpegs and Avis, and play some mp3's or flacs once in a while any recomendations betwen those two? thanks in advance
I have done some comparisons with DVDs that I've burnt and I find MPC to have much better quality. Also, you can seek throughout the movie while still in fullscreen with MPC, but in VLC you have to exit fullscreen to seek, which is annoying while watching videos. If you're going to use MPC, also install the K-Lite Mega Codec Pack.
yeah, i swear by the K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, plus i use VLC too. That's about all i use on the PC for media watching.
Here are the default hot keys for the Windows version.(I assume that's what you use) Do not ask, and ye shall receive. Basic playback: spacebar - Play/Pause S - Stop N - Next file in playlist P - Previous file in playlist Time shifting: Shift+Right arrow - Very short skip forward (3-second default) Shift+Left arrow - Very short skip backward Alt+Right arrow - Short skip forward (10-second default) Alt+Left arrow - Short skip backward Ctrl+Right arrow - Medium skip forward (1-minute default) Ctrl+Left arrow - Medium skip backward Ctrl+Alt+Right arrow - Long skip forward (5-minute default) Ctrl+Alt+Left arrow - Long skip backward - (minus sign) - Slow playback by half (up to .125x) + (plus sign) - Double playback speed (up to 8x) Display settings: A - Toggle aspect ratio (16:10; 16:9, 1:1, 221:100, 4:3, 5:4, default) C - Toggle crop (same ratios) T - Show time played/time left I - Bring VLC interface to front Ctrl+H - Increase subtitle delay by 50ms (for infinity) Ctrl+J - Decrease subtitle delay by 50ms K - Switch subtitle track Audio: M - Mute on/off Ctrl+Up arrow - Turn volume up (1/32) Ctrl+Down arrow - Turn volume down Ctrl+K - Increase audio delay by 50ms (for infinity) Ctrl+L - Decrease audio delay by 50ms L - Switch audio track Miscellany: Ctrl+Alt+S - Takes screenshot of current frame Ctrl+Q - Quits program completely So how do you get to full-screen mode in VLC? Just hit F to enter or exit full-screen view. If you're the mousing sort, just double-click. There is a way to control playback with mouse gestures, but that's a mystery for another day.
^ That's handy stuff right there ^ I had short list, but that fills it out. Copied and saved. Thanks Varnull.