VLC Player

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by 927nick, Feb 3, 2009.

  1. 927nick

    927nick Guest

    Does anyone know where yo download custom icons for vlc media player? I'm getting sick of the little cone. Furthermore, do anyone actually know how to install them, because I have seen a few download links but none of them told how to install the icons. I am talking about installing in Windows NOT MAC!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks
  2. vballstud

    vballstud Guest

    Right click on the icon you want to change and go to PROPERTIES.
    Click on CHANGE ICON.
    Browse to location of the new icon image.
    Click OK and that window will close.
    Click APPLY and OK.
  3. 927nick

    927nick Guest

    When I go to properties it doesn't have the option to change to icon of video files or music files. Also, is there anyway of having the icon my default so that I don't have to manually change the icon of the file every time I get a new movie file. Thanks for the reply. Still waiting for answers lol.
  4. vballstud

    vballstud Guest

    You should have explained yourself better, then...
    It sounded like you just wanted to change the default icon for just VLC Media player. You didn't say anything about changing icons for each file type.

    Double click on MY COMPUTER.
    Select TOOLS.
    Select the FILE TYPES tab.
    Highlight the extension of the file type you want to change.
    Click the ADVANCED BUTTON.
    Click CHANGE ICON.
    Click BROWSE to find the icon you want for that file type.
    Keep Clicking OK to accept all changes until all windows are closed.
  5. 927nick

    927nick Guest

    Thanks - Problem Solved
  6. shaqima

    shaqima Guest

    SPAM removed
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2009

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