ok, so i have tried alot of differnt things, and nothing works. with all the dvd ripping sofftware i downloaded (all free) it rips it as .vob files and .ifo files. this dosnt work. i want to be able to watch them on windows media player and it dosnt recognize that format. therefore i have tried to find a converter but have been unsuccessful. is there and easier way for me to rip them and wach tem on my computer? or is there a vob to mpeg converter out there ? pealse help
There are numerous things you can do my friend,you can rip them to VOB and then convert them to AVI files which is what i would prefer, i would rip them with imgburn and then convert them to avi files with WINAVI...
You can watch them with Media Player Classic or if you prefer to convert them to Windows media, you can use Windows Media Encoder.