The search tool is overloaded so I don't know if this question has been asked before. I recently had my hi-8 tapes transferred to DVDs with the plan to categorize the clips and create a library from which I could burn family DVDs. For each DVD I paid $30, so to keep the cost down I authorized the video transfer business to lower the quality and put more than 2 hours on each DVD. The DVDs play on my DVD player on the television, but now that I am trying to break down the clips on the PC using Roxio Media creator, Roxio doesn't recognize the VOP files. I have read that I can rename the extension from VOP to MPG, but before I get started down the wrong path, should I switch to a different software? Which video softwares recognize VOP files? I just want to breakdown probably 35 hours of video into logical clips so I can intermix them into DVDs. Also, should I get an external hard drive to store the video files on? I just have a regular Dell right now. Any advice,pointers or recommendations greatly appreciated. Roxio does make it easy to put together movies from organized clips. Thanks in advance for your help.
You could have bought a brand new Sony DVD recorder for $200 and did your own transfers - easy as recording from one VCR to another. Anyway, if you plan on doing serious video editing/dvd authoring, you're going to need a bigger, separate hard drive (160GB) and hopefully a fast PC. Compiling DVDs is very CPU intensive. There are lots of programs out there to re-author DVDs. I have a feeling you want all the clips separately for easy picking and choosing. You might want to convert the DVDs to AVI or MPEG files first and work with it that way. Be careful of losing video quality when converting. I use ImToo DVD Ripper. ( The authoring software program you use is up to you - some are easy to learn like Studio 9, and others give you more functions but have very steep learning curves like Adobe Premiere. You should check out the other forum thread for authoring:
You could use MPEG Video Wizard. It's easy to use and will do exactly what you want.
Thanks for the input. Our Camcorder that recorded the Hi-8 tapes is broken -- I forgot to mention that, so that's part of the reason I had a service transfer the tapes for me. I am so new that I wasn't familiar with the term "authoring" software or what it meant. You're right, I want them all separated out so I can do a DVD of family vacations in chronological order, or only clips of my niece, or however I want to slice and dice it. I, like some of the other posters, am having trouble getting the Video_TS file to open and the VOP files to play. I have Windows Movie Maker (doesn't import from DVDs), Roxio Easy Media Creator, and RealPlayer (doesn't recognize format), but there's a lot of jostling to get the thing to play, and then, as other posters have said, the sound is out of synch and the picture jumps and freezes. I probably need to upgrade my computer, too. Nothing is ever as easy. Also, is there any reason to get the Sony CCD TR5 repaired? I didn't know it was broken, but when I tried to put a tape it in wouldn't load (hadn't used it in years). I won't be filming any new footage, just want to enjoy the memories in the tapes we already have. Thanks again for your patience.
I wouldn't get the camcorder repaired unless you want to use it. The program I suggested is exactly what you need. Good luck and keep us posted if you need more help.