I have 26 individual .vob files (movie clips) each about 5mb. I would like to put them onto disc to play on a DVD player. No menu or anything fancy required just needs to play each clip in order. In between each clip I would like about 5seconds of black before the next clip begins. Question 1. How can I achieve the 5 seconds of black? I know I could use a DV cam to film 5secs of black and then just insert in between each clip but I dont have access to a camera. Can I get off internet or use a black still image? Question 2. Whats the best way to make a DVD disc from these files? Do I need to convert the files to avi, mpeg or something else etc before burning? or do I need to merge all the vob files into 1 before burning? For info - I have nero6 / tmpgenc DVD Author / vobMerge / WinAVI / DVD Shrink / Premiere Pro 1.5 Many thanks.
Hi, Your easiest bet would be to use a software like Sony® Click to DVD, or Sony® DVgate Plus to accomplish this, and easily put this on DVD, with all the titles you want (black screens). If you want to take the complicated way, you would have to merge all the videos together and use a video editing software to put in the black screens you would like, and than combine all the videos into one, and than use a DVD Authoring software to burn it (after converting to MPEG-2). I have used Click to DVD, and it is very easy to use, and what you want to accomplish can very easily be accomplished, but I am not sure if Sony® Click to DVD accepts VOB files. Regards, DiRect
Thanks, I may give "click to DVD" a whirl then. Before I purchase though, Is there definately an option in click to add black screens? Cause this is my main concern. If click doesn't accept vob files I do have a program called WinAVI that can convert vob files. What should I convert tham to avi?
You can also try Nero Vision Express, if you have Nero, choosing Make a Movie. You should be able to add your clips and then choose a transition time for each clip or just add your black screen.
Hi, Yes, I am sure that Click to DVD has this function because I processed a home movie using that program, and inserted dates into the black screens and gave it a time to stay on the screen (say 5 seconds). With this software, you can directly output your data onto a DVD, but this process takes some time (took me a pretty long time). I am not sure about NERO as I have never used NERO for such functions, instead, just for burning, so you can try NERO first and than if it doesn't work, you can go for Click to DVD or DVGate. Regards, DiRect
Cant find where to get hold of "click to dvd" anywhere! Any ideas? It only seems to come as part of a package when you buy new sony products. Anyway, I do have 5 secs of black now which I took off a film. Its in .vob format. So now I have all my files, all in vob. What next? Just burn with nero? Convert files to a different format first?
Use Nero Vision Express and add all your files and then burn. ftp://ftp6.nero.com/Support_doc/PDF-Vision2/create-basicDVD-Movie.pdf http://ww2.nero.com/nero7/enu/Tutorials_Photo_and_Video.html
Hi, A copy of Click to DVD can actually be downloaded from Sony's site I believe. Just select a product (any Sony VAIO Computer, e.g., VGCRB53), and than go to softwares, or you can just use this link: http://esupport.sony.com/perl/swu-list.pl?mdl=VGCRB53&UpdateType=Everything Regards, DiRect
Thanks for the link but it looks like that is just to update the original product....not the full product. I've now managed to burn a dvd using nero vision express 3. But it only worked when I included a menu screen. Selecting no menu kept making it crash for some reason. No matter... The only think is the sound on the dvd is really quiet. Is there anything I can do to increase the volume?