I have been backing up dvd's using dvd decrypter - vob blanker - nero recode2 - nero burner... as per a guide I was recommended. My problem, as far as I can see, VobBlanker is supposed to remove unnecessary junk material, isn't it? However, my input and output folders are the same file size. Is this normal? Also, if using vobblanker to remove extras / warnings etc, how do you know what each is? There is a preview screen, but it only previews a few selected parts, not every ts video file. I have found it easier to delete these extras in Nero recode... would VobBlanker be better? Is VobBlanker even doing anything? It comes up every time saying 0 errors
Vobblanker certainly does work. You are obviously using it incorrectly. I suggest going to the link below and reading the guides available. http://jsoto.posunplugged.com/guides.htm