I have been looking for a while around the internet trying to find a guide to use a pc as a ata ( Analog Telephone Adapter). My parents are looking to ditch their land line because it is beginning to cost allot. I have heard of people using google voice as a land line using a ata voip adapter. The adapter allows the user to hook a regular land line phone on a voip connection( it gives the phone a dial tone and allows it to send and receive calls as if it was using a land line). I am trying to find away to have a pc do the same thing as the ata adapter, because the ata adapters are expensive. some of them go as much as $80. I have an eeepc lying around that hasn't been used in a while and was trying to see if i could use that.
i went with magic jack years ago and its been just fine.costs about $60 bucks a year.need good internet connection tho.