Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by mindgod, Aug 2, 2004.

  1. mindgod

    mindgod Guest

    Hey, I got VSO Copytodvd (the latest version-3.02 i think) and when I put my Video_ts files in the "video" folder, and click write (i am using ritek ridata dvd+rw). I get an error saying.. critical: The selected drive is busy. choose another device. But my drive is NOT busy.

    here is the log:
    8/1/2004 11:17:32 PM critical The selected device is busy. Choose another device or retry at a later time.
    8/1/2004 11:17:32 PM info Using ASPI interface to access drives. Patin-couffin driver is inactive, disactivated or obsolete

    I have a System ASPI and a nero ASPI installed, but Copytodvd uses the Patin-couffin thing, i guess that's what's wrong. What can I do? thanks
  2. mindgod

    mindgod Guest

    anytime now...:(

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