W32/Gaobot.worm.gen.d virus, help!!!!!!

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by aXidburn, Mar 30, 2004.

  1. aXidburn

    aXidburn Guest

    ok i have this virus i have mcafee but it keeps saying this file has been detected and cleaned and it keeps saying that and i click "continue what iw as doing" and then it pops up again saying i virus has been detected and cleaned, and again and again...
    so i folowed the instructions at symantec.com


    so i do those but while doing them when i go into safe mode and after u search there are no hosts that they tell u to delete.
    then when i go into the registry there is no registry thing that is called what they say
    and so after trying all that mcafee still says the virus has been detected and cleaned again and again....
    so has anyone had this problem or can anyone please!! help me
  2. longjonsi

    longjonsi Member

    Jul 9, 2003
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    some times it says files r viruses that rnt...so maybe u dont ahve a problem... or you could always be safe and just format. it'll probably be good for it anyway.

    or you could try reinstalling mcafee

    but if ur sure its a virus and u reinstalled mcafee and dont want to format then idk what to do.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Philadelphia Flyers

    Tronto Mapple Leafs
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2004

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