WBR-3406TX 54 Wireless Router can't turn Wi-Fi off?

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by leiff, Dec 4, 2008.

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  1. leiff

    leiff Regular member

    Jul 16, 2005
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    I would like to have the option of turning the Wi-Fi off in my router since I rarely use wireless, but I don't think my router does this. Anyone know? I've looked at the firmware upgrade notes but don't see any thing about this and I don't want to risk a firmware upgrade unless it defenantly added this feature. Customer support is in Germany and I don't know if they could help. I've heard if there was a power level option in my wireless option I could set it to zero but in my wireless settings on my nat web browser I only see 11 different channel settings. I'm not so worried about other people stealing my bandwidth as much as I'm worried about the unknown effects of rff signals. Will removing the antanae from my router lessen my exposure? I'm usually within 4 feet of router at all times.
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