Hello Guys, I almost nevr post on this forum so please forgive me if i say something stupid. I am trying to burn a BIN file to my external LITE-ON Burnr and i was trying to use ImgBurn. When i got the Bin thing readfy and started the burn i got a rather weird error message. Anyhelp would be appreaciated. here is a link to the print screen of that error message: http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=main/7/20521511583.gif&s=f10
Hi. There's a newer firmware available for your drive, BSOY. That may or may not solve your problem. http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=1934 Let us know how you make out.
thanks fohelping laddyboy...when i clicked on the BSOY driver i got 404 Page Not found message. Any where else i can check for that firmware?
ya i did that whoel firmware update thing, and i think it worked. I am currently burning a movie BIN file... so i will let you know how it turns out!