I am currently using ImgBurn 1.3 at write speed 8x. Im using Verbatim 16x dvd-r white inkjet printable. My problem is this, If I set it to burn at 8x, It will burn at that speed up to about 50% finished and then decrease to about 4x. Any help?
BUrner brand and model? Firmware version? A good burn is the result of a good combination of: Burner + firmware + media
Pelxtor PX-716UF (which uses Plextor PX-716A Firmware) Firmware 1.03 The latest is 1.09 but my drive has been working great so I just never updated it. From http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?category=4&manufactor=38 ..... PLEXTOR DVDR PX-716A Available Original Firmwares: 1.01, 1.02, 1.03 / 1c04, 1j04 / 1.04, 1.04 (updated), 1.05, 1.06, 1.07, 1.08, 1.09 Region Free (RPC-1) firmware can be found here. Patched by The Dangerous Brothers. RPC-2 Should I download the Region Free firmware or just the 1.09 firmware? Thanks for your help.
I have two Plex 716's and one is a UF, yes dl the new firmware. Are you running PlexTools with this drive, as this will make a difference in how the drive handles media? For your update go the the Plex site and dl. http://www.plextor.com
Ok I updated the firmware and still the speed fluctuates. No problem with the buffers or the quality of burn that I can see, but it does take long since it does fluctuate. And arniebear I downloaded PlexTools Professional HDD after you suggested it but I have no idea how to use it. If you want, please pm me and we can talk about it.
I have had this happen on both my Plex's I am not sure if it has anything to do with the autostrategy of the drive, as this will determine what speed the disks are written and it is stored in the drives memory. I turned it off in my PlexTools, but certain disks will do this. My Plex's have taken an aversion to Sony disk the MIT and will vary in record speed, the disks play fine, no errors according the Plextools scans, but they will go from 8x to 4x burn speeds and this is on both Plex's, the internal and the external. All Plextor informed in their email was not to use Sony media, it is not recommended but to use Verbatim. I have not found the problem to be consistent but as I say varies. There is another member on this forum who has Plex 716's I will find out if this is a problem with their drive also. If you do not have your Plex manual, here is where to get it and it will explain how PlexTools run http://www.plextor.com/english/support/manuals/manuals.html
Wow I have to say it sounds exactly like what mine does. So is it still ok to use Verbatim discs though? I have about 300 so Im kinda not in luck if its not. I know that Verbatim is a good brand in general, but I dont want to use them if they have a problem with my Plextor. Thanks for asking that other member btw.
I can't see why you cannot use the disks, I have no problem with mine. I found that it is a sporadic behavior and using my 16x Verbs and burning at 8x seems okay, lately I have just put them down to 6x and they have not done it. I have tried Nero, Clone and the problem occurs in both burning programs, I just think the Plex adjusts itself to something in the pits of the disk and slows itself down. Also, I find that using +R media works better with a Plex, it just burns better. Your Plex will automatically booktype if you set it in the PlexTools, so if you want to experiment buy yourself some +R media and see if it works out better.
flyinonic, the Verbatim media is fine to use or Taiyo Yuden which Plextor test there drives with so i use TY 99.9% of the time. i have 2 Plextor PX-716As and have had the same problems with the burning speeds at 8x. my take is its the buffer rate or maybe even a heat issue with the drives. mine seem to do it after i run 10 or 12 burns though them and then my burn rate starts slowing down. at 6x its not a problem just at 8x. tell me this after a burn does the dvd seem hot/very warm to the touch after you take it out of the burner? which could be a heat issue with the drive causing it to slow down. sometimes i run a CCleaner and a disc cleanup reboot and iam back running at a full 8x
@aabbccdd Thanks for coming by, I agree on the CCleaner, I use RegVac and it does seem to set it right. I have been using it everytime I finish burning and before shutting the puter off, and have not had any probs at the 8x recently.
yeah for whatever reason the drives are storing to much in the memorey causing it to run slower cleaning the registry seems to help lots .the drives will run hot if your burning muplity copies and that to causes a slow down ,thats my take anyway
The change in burn speed does not do anything to the quality of the burn, I just find it annoying. And it is not anything that you can pin down, mostly I find it happening to me with the Sony MIT media. I was unable to get the drive to write to -R Sony, but it will do +R fine. Drive would not write the lead in, thats when I emailed Plex but all they could say was they did not recommend Sony. So I just use the +R and let it booktype, and it works out fine.
update i ran muplity copies(20 to 25) dvds last night in my PX-716As and after about the third set my drives started slowing down ,so i used CCleaner and defragged real quick and boom i was off again burning with NO slow down .then the second set slowed down again somewhat not alot so i let the drives cool down about 5 to 8 mintues and that did the trick. so i think its more of a heat issue than anything else. i called Plextor today and they werent much help but agreed with my findings after we talked about it for several mins. so thats my take