weird peoblem with ftping

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by lavrod, Feb 4, 2008.

  1. lavrod

    lavrod Member

    May 17, 2007
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    Hi to all.first off I've got A speedstream 6520 modem/4 port router,with xbox connected to it via straight cable My pc connected to it via straight cable, finaly a laptop connected wirelessly to it.. Now the weird thing is my xbox has no problem connecting to the NET and to the pc shared folders but I cannot connect my pc to xbox with any type of ftp server. Ive checked and double checked in xbox settings that ftp is enabled wich it is and my user name and password are the same "xbox" for both but just realized that user name has no other option and nothing is present for user name is that normal or what? And could that be a problem?Running xbmc as dash and xp on pc .. I'm almost sure at one time it had a user name..And had no problem ftping to xbox before all this.. open to suggestions
  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Use the file manager in unleashX and find your evox.ini (it may be xbmc.ini.. don't know.. don't trust xbmc as a main dash) file..

    If you highlight the file you will find in the options that you can edit with a virtual keyboard on the screen.

    Scroll down to the password and user name entries and put them back and exit then reboot......... simple as that

    yet another buggy xbmc as a main dash.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2008
  3. lavrod

    lavrod Member

    May 17, 2007
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    Thanks I will try that and let you know
    what happens
  4. lavrod

    lavrod Member

    May 17, 2007
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    yeah that sure did the the trick thanks again

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