Weird Problem installing Ubuntu 7.10

Discussion in 'Linux - General discussion' started by Sampleera, Feb 27, 2008.

  1. Sampleera

    Sampleera Guest

    I boot from the cd i choose the first option "Start or install ubuntu" and it will load somthning then it gose to a screen and it looks like my video card is freaking out or somthing , it just shows green and purple flashing bars. Please help.

    Amd Athlon 3500+
    Asus A8n-Sli
    Geforce 6800
    2gb DDR
  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    So have you tried the other boot options?
  3. Sampleera

    Sampleera Guest

    Yes, I have tried everything.
  4. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Try ubuntu 7.06.. there are problems with 7.10 or give a different distro a go... If it doesn't want to run from the live cd I don't know what you can do with it... not my distro of choice, and I can't duplicate your error as I don't have the same hardware.

    What boot options does 7.10 give you?

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