I have a net gear wg111b.3 wireless adapter. I used to have version two of the same adapter, which broke this morning. with the new adapter, it doesn't seem to have the same range as the old one. The only things in range are passworded and wep's. I am allowed to connect to these, but the guy with the password is off for the week and I was wondering if there is a general wep code for verizon.
no general wep key & that is a no no without that person's permission. it can be done but don't expect any help from here as you should ask that person for the key.
WEPs are user set. Call the guy. Also I can't find any info on wg111b. If you are talking about wg111 USB adapter I have the same one for another comp that only has 70% signal even though router is literally in the next room. That could be your problem. If you don't mind spending the money, you could buy a new adapter. Linksys with RT2500 chipset preferred(That is if you have an extra PCI slot instead of USB.