I apologize if this is a common problem, but here I go. Alright last night at 4 in the morning, I decided to do my semi yearly reformat. I reformatted my hard drive, I also saw another drive listed below it. It was 4 in the morning I did them both being so tired. The next day I decided to give my Ipod(30gb video) a listen and it was acting strangely. It would start up normally with the Apple icon, then it would have a folder with an exclmation point pop up. Below it, it would say www.apple.com/support/ipod. It then struck me I just reformatted my ipod with windows xp. Well it doesn't play, and I'm pretty sure it doesnt have my songs on there anymore as well. The songs aren't the problem, I'm smart enough to back up my music, but not smart enough to not format my ipod apparently. I tried using everything on this site http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=61003 including the updater. The updater just says "Can't mount ipod." So I just want to know how to get it to start working again, since the songs aren't the issue. Any help you can give would be nice. Thanks.
Hello ph0bia13, welcome to afterdawn! Please edit the thread title, as swearing is against forum rules. Try to restore the iPod manually (there is a link for a tutorial about how to do this on the bottom of my sig).
http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/318454 Here is a thread of someone with a similar problem. Maybe there is something in there that can help you.
Not sure what it could be, if you can't restore the iPod at all, then it will be hard, I suspect, to solve this problem. I assum that you've put it in disk mode when restoring, correct?
LOL, have you tried resetting your iPod already? Just want to make sure you have tried all of the possibilities ;-)
Yep, tried everything I could think of. I might just have to take it back to Compusa, and pretend like it did this on its own. My way of sticking it to the man.
Yep, this Ipod is only a month or two old. I punched the Ipod a few times earlier and that broke my headphones haha. This was after it was already broken of course.
LOL, I would take it back, just to get a fresh start on the iPod. You can always update already existing songs in iTunes onto the new iPod.
Bumping this. I claim false advertising, Compusa said I should buy this 2 year plan on it, I could have sworn they said they'd replace it if it broke. Apparently I have to go through apple to get a replacement, I doubt they'll replace it since this was hugely my fault. So yeah, hopefully I can fix this on my own.
The iPod really isn't broken per say, just misformatted. If you bring it into an Apple store [if there's one nearby] they'll probably be able to fix it for you pretty quickly. If you can reformat the iPod to FAT32 you should be able to move the firmware onto the iPod manually. I don't know how to go about it specifically but I know that it is possible. Hopefully someone will float by that can help us out
I think DarkJello is right, reformat it and select FAT32 and then use Apples Ipod Updater to reset it. If that don't work go to www.ilounge.com. You can find detailed instructions there.