what about skin copyright?

Discussion in 'AfterDawn feedback & suggestions' started by mindofka, Mar 12, 2002.

  1. mindofka

    mindofka Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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    I'm very pleased to see my skin between the top rated ones here on afterdawn, but i thought it's nice to ask permission, or something, maybe i could add my personal homepage, i remained very surprised to find it here browsing my name on google.it
    The skin I'm talking about is Baroque: The Theatre of Vampires.
    Just a question to the admin here: can you add my personal homepage as on other skins out there?
    thank you
    ana kusicka
  2. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    We know that the skin system we currently have is not very nice for skin creators as you don't have any means to interact with the system, etc. Basically the plan is to kill the current skin system within next few months (hopefully) and make it work like any other skin site -- by creator submissions.

    Anyway, as we state in our legal b.s., the skin system works like our software system -- we add skins & software that we think are publically distributable without any written permission and if content owner (i.e. skin creator) wants to remove the content, he/she just mails us and we will remove it. Basic DMCA routine.

    But use the feedback button and mail us your homepage and skin(s) you want to have the homepage add with.
  3. mindofka

    mindofka Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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  4. fuckyou

    fuckyou Guest

    remove my skin inflatable. this is not a publicly distributed skin. its my personal property. this is a flagrant violation of copyright laws.
  5. A_Klingon

    A_Klingon Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 29, 2001
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    <fuckyou> : Hard as it may be to imagine, the world will probably still be able to scrape by without your skin.

    Try to show a little common courtesy in this forum, please.

    -- KlingonAgent --
  6. eNini

    eNini Member

    Apr 22, 2002
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    I don't mind my skins being published.
    What I want however, is to *know* what happens to them. (I found this site only through google, so you might understand why I was upset) That's even more important if it's a big site, like this.
    Someone is downloading all these skins form winamp.com, right? So would it be too much to mail the authors and ask whether they want it or not? (Even an automatic mail system would do.) Don't say that's to much work, i am getting such emails sometimes.

    Thank you very much.
  7. pike2k

    pike2k Guest

    Petteri 'dRD' Pyyny

    Blue Dawn & Red Dawn & Black Dawn skins rocks. Keep them and toss the rest out! If ppl must act like this I understand completely that you remove the rest. You got my sympathies.
  8. andavari

    andavari Member

    Mar 19, 2002
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    Make a skin author sign a contract that states the skin can be used for a certain period of time without having to read BS like "remove my skin." This could negate any so-called copyright/trademark violations scams from material that actually doesn't have any valid registered copyright/trademark whatsoever other than some anal retentive idiot writing copyright and trademark on something and thinking that'll do.

    Or, make the skins AfterDawn exclusives, which become the property and are copyrighted by AfterDawn.

    US Copyright Office http://www.loc.gov/copyright/
  9. mindofka

    mindofka Member

    Mar 12, 2002
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    he he... I received my homepage link and i'm
    happy, nothing else to reply, thanks and go
    on with your nice shareware liberal policy on
    internet, I like it ;)
  10. cubik

    cubik Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2002
  11. TheCrow31

    TheCrow31 Guest

    LMAO! OMG you people are so scrwed up mentally, I would feel prviledged to have my skin on a site like this, and them not telling me, who give a shit dude!? COME ON! Grow up mg, and if it's your personnal property, why the hell did you put it on the web for download in the first place, cause of all of you, the skin section has been shut down, why? Cause you were immature spoiled little brates, and if you don't get told about it you get all sad, why the hell would you be searching for your name on the internet anyway? Prideful are we? Come on people get a life, if you're gonna get all huffy about it, don't even post your skin, or put it up for seel, then you'll se who will want your peice of shit. lmao, you guys are all scrwed up mentally, a site this big, I would love to have my skin on it, I could care less if they didn't inform me, come on people, grow up, get a life.
  12. whiteflip

    whiteflip Guest

    i dunno if fuckyou made that skin. with this current skinning system strangers or rivals or i dunno other people could come on claiming some ones skin was theirs and have it removed or change a link on it or soemthing. who is afterdawn to know?
  13. BoBoTheFo

    BoBoTheFo Guest

    What the hell? It's not like these people hacked into your computer and stole your skins. If you put them up on the web, then they'll end up all over the web. It's not like they don't give credit where it's duel; they're not saying the skins are theirs. I could understand if you were getting paid for each use of the skins, and afterdawn was giving it away for free, but i don't think that's the case here.

    Why would you put your skin on the net in the first place? You want others to see your creative work? You want to show off your skill to the world? Afterdawn is helping you in this way. If you don't like the idea of others using your skin, then why the hell did you post it in the first place?

    Wtg bitchers... you just ruined a great source of skins for the rest of us, not to mention the artists who are PROUD to have their skins on afterdawn. Lets face it, you're bitching not because you feel that you've been violated in any way, but because it is human nature to bitch, and you're life as a lazy, unmotivated, upper-middle class computer geek gives you nothing else to bitch about. Get a girlfriend and bitch about her. Get a job and bitch about your boss. Get a house and bitch about your bills. But don't post your artwork to be seen by all only to complain later on that it's being seen without your permission.
  14. whiteflip

    whiteflip Guest

    i guess that makes bobo a human
  15. ShadowVFX

    ShadowVFX Member

    Jun 10, 2002
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    It is sad how pathetic the internet has become. Years ago the net was a trading place of information and ideas without any limitations or restrictions. Now it's become a haven for any idiot with a mouse and a modem to complain and speak his/her voice. I myself had a skin posted to this site without my knowledge, and I couldn't have been happier. In fact, not only did this site take my skin and host it, but more than 10 others did so as well.

    Was I pissed? No, not one bit. Seeing my skin distributed on numerous websites was great! That showed me that my skin really was worth something to someone. Although it seems like it is too late to save the AfterDawn's skins section, I would like to say that I was thankfull for them hosting my skin, and would GLADLY let them host it again if they ever get the chance.

    Some people need to stop being so damn stuck up and realize that SOME people in this world aren't out to get ya. These people at AfterDawn were kind enuf to host your skin. They felt it qualified as one of the best skins IN THE WORLD! If you take that as an insult rather than a compliment I truely pity you.

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