Hello ...I'm hoping someone can maybe help me...I just tried to backup/burn a copy of a movie I own..Halloween 25th Anniversary Edition. I followed this Link http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/backup with Decrypter&Shrink.pdf and thought I did it right. I can see the movie on my computer but I don't think it burned a copy to the disc because its not automatically opening like it should. Maybe its the disc itself? Its a- dont laugh- office depot DVD-RW. Other than that, any ideas? Oh, one more thing. Now that its on my computer is there any easy way to pop it into iTUNES? Thanks Alot!!!
most problems are caused by "cheap" media get yourself some tayio yuden, verbatims, sony (made in japan) or similar & i'm sure that will cure your problems, office max are not at the high end of the media scale i dont know how to put it on i-tunes
Try using DVD FabDecrypter or AnyDVD which is free for a 21 day trial from slysoft site. DvdDecrypter is no longer being updated and cannot handle some of the newer encryptions, good luck.
Any dvd can be used with shrink but I use it with VobBlanker so I can ditch those annoying warnings,trailers and all the extras.
thanks for the info guys/girls...it was a stupid, very stupid mistake on my part. ive had success with DVDshrink and DVDdecrypter. ive got nero express that came with my drive but im not sure im going to use it now. im still really new at the dvd burn and this seems to work pretty easy. got some better discs also =-)