i tried to play a working backup on matrix 4x disc which was burned at 2x in nero. matrix works on other versions, but i guess not on v1.1. if you have a v1.1, or have played backup discs on a v1.1, what brand disc is it? thanks!
Mkaes no difference what version xbox you have, its down to the dvd drive in the xbox dvd-r is probably the most used as thompson and samsung read a shitload of em. dvd+r reads well on philips drives I use sony oem dvd-r, they read on all drives.
djboogie- where can i get the sony oem dvd-r that you are talking about? i checked it out on ebay and all i see is some sandy yang brand that says it's a 4x sony oem dvd-r. i just want to make sure that i buy the exact same ones that you say you use that work on every xbox...and where can i find the best deal on them? thanks =]
Best dvd media I`ve used in both 1.1 box and latest crystal 1.6 are Datawrite 4X....... also Ridisc 4x are cool....backed up over 40 games and a few movies and only 2 coasters....user error I might add..the media is cheap £6 for 25...worth a gamble don`t ya think?
For the most part it's a disk issue....different companies use different dyes in the making of their media. There is the drive topic too,but the media one is greater.