Just wondering which audio I can deselect and not lose the normal audio on my backup.....that doesn't sound clear to me either. Which of the choices under "Audio" in DVD Shrink are required for normal DVD playback? AC3 5.1-ch English AC3 2-ch English etc. Hopefully someday I'll be able to help a newbie, until then I am at your mercy. Regards, Stitch
The 2 adio options are there for because if u have connected a stero or a theatre speakers and all. The stero speakers mainly are in 5.1 or 2.o u can either choose both or deselect the one that your sound system does not work with.
So if I'm getting you correct, the 2's are my individual home theater speakers? If so I'll definatley need those. I'll just trash the foreign language content. Thanks, Stitch
Actually, you can just keep ac3 5.1 English, that will play on everything, DTS 5.1 only plays if you have a DTS decoder. So normally get rid of that, it also takes up alot of space. I thought I needed to keep ac3 2.0, but i found that isn't neccessary. Hope this helps, I found out thru trial and error.