My computer was overheated and I can smell the smoke coming out of the back of my computer. How can I fix the overheating problem?
so if I stop using the pc for a week, it will stop overheating ? Can it be that there's too many dust in the fans that goes in and out of the pc? because i smell smoke coming out of the fan area.
Xan, Smoke is the final sign of an electronic component that is failing or has already failed. This smoke may seem like it's coming from the power supply, but it may also be from the power supply circuits that manage and control the voltage flow to the processor on the motherboard. It could literally be anything. Shut the system down. Take it to a qualified technician and have them look into the situation. The problem will not get better by itself...overheating and smoking circuitry needs to be shut down and replaced. I would strongly recommend that you do not use the system until that is done.