I got into thinking about why my xbox is so fucked up, and while i was modding a friends xbox, the eeprom backup process caught my attention. I think i erased it on my xbox when i freaked out trying to remove it the wrong way when i couldn't get on live. I can mod and everything but i cannot uninstall the softmod. It says "BATCH PROCESS FAILED" when i try. Is this because i might have deleted my eeprom/ eeprom backup? Is there a way to get it back if i did?? is this because SID sucks balls??? Thanks for any replies in advance.
never mind. i fixed my xbox by using AID 4.20... or was it AID 3.0..... anyway, if u can't uninstall your mod, just backup your MS dash and eeprom with AID, and then use the uninstall feature. i guess this could also be used if you sold/ returned tour action replay/ installing disc and cant uninstall the usual way.