Hi. If any gurus can help me out here. .it'll be great. I'm trying to softmod my Xbox 1.0 but i'm missing a step. Yes, i went through all the documentation http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/203285 and http://www.techfreaks.org/articles/modxbox.shtml What's happening is that there's a step where you're suppose to copy the LinuxInstaller saved game from the Action Replay memory card into the Xbox system hard drive. Well, I don't have that option. Only DELETE. I can go into the MS Dashboard, go to memory -> controller 1 memory unit -> splinter cell. When I click into Splinter cell, the only option I see is DELETE. That's it. No copy. What am i Missing? Also; I'm using Tom Clancey's Splinter Cell Platinum Edition (no pandora, no chaos theory) Just plain splinter cell one, platinum edition. Does this still work? Docs seem to make no mention of Platinum for Splinter Cell. Thanks irsx PS. (Dash 5960.01 / kernal 4034.01 /NTSC version of Splinter Cell Platinum)
Don't you just hate it when you figure it out AFTER you hit post? Here's the answer for those who are experiencing what I'm going through. The answer is to hit the Right button on your d-pad. You'll highlight the LINUX_profile. NOW you hit A button. Low and behold there is COPY and there is DELETE. Copy to your hard drive. Thank you Chunkhead for being super clear in his tutorial http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/558747 PS. It also sounds like any version of Splinter Cell 1 (classic or platinum) will work
He He! I sat there like an idiot too when I first softmodded! Nobody mentions that! Nice! Any Splinter Cell version will work.
LMAO!! I did this too 2 years ago. I was stuck there for almost 6 hours straight deleting it off my AR then putting it back on.