I just recently purchased 1 click DVD copy, because according to this website: http://www.dvd-copy-software-review.com/ it was one of the best dvd burn software prog's they had reviewed. I must admit it copied my movie flawlessly. I tested Startrek First contact, and the copy was excellent. Thats an older dvd so I was able to copy it in its entirety. My questions are: Has anyone else tried this program? What did you think? Is there something much better that I missing out on?
You know I was very close to getting, DVD Cloner II. But I bought "1 click" instead because it was 49.99 instead of 59.95. Then all I had to do was download the CSS decryptor. Save $10.00.
hell no! It's a crappier version of dvd shrink. It's also rumored that the code was stolen from the guy who made shrink.